How to activate vQmod on Opencart?

Know how can you install vQmod on your Opencart Store, the first step to use the best modules developed to the e-commerce system.

Hello everyone, at last few years a big part of my time was spend developing and holding e-commerce projects with Opencart platform, and still of their problems, has been quite reliable for medium-sized projects.

On this tutorial, i will explain step by step what you have to do to activate vQmod system on your Opencart Store and use hundred of plugins who were built ahead this system

If you alread have doubts about how this works with Opencart, ready the article: “How VQmod works on Opencart?

Its time to install!

Step 1:
Download the most recent vQmod package in this link:

Step 2:

Unzip  the package content on the root folder of your application, creating an vqmod folder on the application root, like the image below:

Step 3:

You need to make write permissions on the following files:

Step 4:

Access on web browser the address

If everything was OK, you will receive an success message, and otherwise a warning to give permission for any file that has been lacking.

After the install will can start to use modules and extension who need this system, for that you nesse to put the xml file on yourstore/vqmod/xml

Thats it! Easy an simple! Until the next!


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